First off, we’d like to thank you for even opening up this post to begin with. To admit that you’re struggling in any way, even to yourself, takes courage, honesty, and self-accountability. Give yourself some credit for that.

Two, it’s okay that you’re struggling right now – we literally all go through it. Not saying that to put a blanket over your feelings just saying that to share that no one is exempt from this part of the process. Even your friends who may seem like they have it all together, or the people you see on social media who appear to be winning, or the celebrities you’ve watched go from the internet into Hollywood, every single person you know has had moments, months, seasons, or even years of not knowing what the fuck was going on.

You will get through it.

Want to remind you that where you are right now is not indicative of your value as a Creative, and especially not indicative of your value as a person. You are still talented, you are still skillful, you are still loved, and appreciated, and you still have a lot to offer someone or some project, just as you are.

We hope that you give yourself a lot of patience and grace through your rough times in the same way you would for another person that you love. We hope that you don’t spend so much of your time marinating on what’s going wrong, that you’re able that to a few things that can help in a tough season:

  1. Focus on who and what does support you with the opportunity to ask for and receive the help you need, in whatever way that looks like for you. As often as you need it.
  2. Focus on what has worked for you and what is currently working with the opportunity to release the things (people, places, personal habits) that are no longer working for you.
  3. Focus on the fact that things are always changing with the opportunity to create positive change for someone else who may be in a less fortunate situation than yourself. There’s always someone who could use your help, no matter what position you’re in.

You are not powerless.You are not helpless.You are not worthless.

We believe in you. Ask for your help, manage your feelings, allow yourself to receive support in new ways, and give yourself some grace, patience, and the permission to not have every single thing figured out. We wish you a renewed perspective, an empowering support system, and opportunities to learn more about the type of life you really want for yourself.

It’s okay to keep dreaming and believing and if that’s too hard, we’re here for you.

Learn more about our low cost membership here, if you need help with the cost, email: for support.

Further Reading = The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health: Navigate an Unequal System, Learn Tools for Emotional Wellness, and Get the Help You Deserve by Dr. Rheeda Walker - grab it here.